About Pinit Anywhere

Pinit for Android
Pinit Anywhere for Android

Welcome, and thank you for visiting our blog! We are the developers of Pinit Anywhere, an app for marking interesting or important points of interest on a map for easy tracking! Pinit Anywhere is releasing sometime in the very near future on the Google Play Store.

With Pinit Anywhere, people now have the ability to take a look at what is going on in-town at a glance, all by opening the app. Having a long day of boredom? Open the app and take a look what's going on in your area! Anything can be marked - garage sales, events downtown, restaurant deals, interesting vantage points, nice park benches, store isles. You name it, we mark it.

These pins stay around for as long as you want them to. If you want to disable them, simply go to your account and press the 'End Event' button on the pin you want to stop broadcasting. Alternatively, we can time the pins so that they show only for as long as they are active.

Let's say that the Farmer's Market is in town on Saturday, 7:00 AM to noon. You can set that window in the app, and people can see it before the event starts, but not after it ends. Useful, we know!

What if you don't want to broadcast your pin to everyone? We thought of that too! You can mark it as a private pin where only you and who you share it with can see it. Like YouTube, anyone with a link can view it, so it's useful to share in text or email chains.

Map customization is also part of Pinit Anywhere. Currently, we have a day/night mode, satellite, and terrain maps for use. Think of these as you would if you were on Google Maps. We use Google Maps, so the types of maps you see there we can support.

By default, pins within a 1 mile or 1 kilometer radius (you can choose your units) are displayed, but you can increase the distance that we show pins up to 10 miles or 15 kilometers away.

Think this is a neat pin and others should know about it? Drop a comment on it and let others know more information about it! You can even vote on pins if they are still worth visiting or not to let others know if they should go to another one instead.

These are some features in Pinit Anywhere today, and more will be added along the road as we release the app (we're working on a little something something called Augmented Reality). If there are any suggestions or features you would like to see implemented, put it in a comment below or send us an email!

We hope you will join this journey with us!

The Pinit Team

Pinit Anywhere will be released in the very near future on the Google Play Store.
